I know that your all wondering where I have been right! Lol. Well Christmas was
great with family but after the New Year we all became really sick with a nasty
flu virus. We are on the mend now and finally getting back to our old selves. My
Christmas decorations are still not down. Yes I know! Time to get it down.
We are doing it this afternoon actually. Things have been extremely busy here
now that school is back in session but it has been a very slow process
with us both not feeling well. I had so many things that needed working
on and changing for this New Year, and like this devotion below
states, I turned around and January was more than half over.
I sat down to my table and held my head in my hands feeling extremely overwhelmed
and not sure if I had what it took to get the old gusteo back again. With other things
in my life having more importance and family life needing more of my time
and focus, my creative life had walked out the door. Some of you may
have noticed that I didn't share a Clear Dollar Stamps Release this month
and that is because I needed to take a break from creating for Design Team
My need to create for commitments when my mojo was very low, made it such a
chore to do and not enjoyable like normally. Don't get me wrong design team work is
amazing and such a blessing, but when other things need to be completed and you
know that your creating with only half your heart, you know your not being fair to the
team and yourself. So in saying that, I have decided to take a break from design team
team and yourself. So in saying that, I have decided to take a break from design team
work and Guest Design work. My goal is to only create when I have the time and to do
it without no obligations. To create for me and to really enjoy the process. Now if my
creations fit into some contest where I can win more supplies than fine, but if not, no
creations fit into some contest where I can win more supplies than fine, but if not, no
big deal!
So there will be times when there will be post that share cards and layouts. Other times
there may be other crafts shared, or maybe just some encouragement for the day. Then
there will be days that I am just having a break from blogging & working on other
home projects.......such has the book that I am writing. I know that this is where God
wants my focus right now, but other things that I love to do seems to get in the way.
Like I was reminded by a sermon by our Pastor during a summer service, the things
we love are not bad, but sometimes we need to place those things to the side and focus
on what God is calling us to do. So I guess that is what is in front of me right now,
Homeschooling, and writing!! And if creating happens in between then that is great
and if not, no big deal.
So there you have it! I hope that you plan to stick around and if not that is okay too. I
pray that you will be blessed with the inspiration of others and also that your New Year
is off to a great start with loads of focus and goals that are being met.
Okay I am off to take down my Christmas Tree. Lol.
Dana ..... Just wanted to share this word of encouragement below.
So there will be times when there will be post that share cards and layouts. Other times
there may be other crafts shared, or maybe just some encouragement for the day. Then
there will be days that I am just having a break from blogging & working on other
home projects.......such has the book that I am writing. I know that this is where God
wants my focus right now, but other things that I love to do seems to get in the way.
Like I was reminded by a sermon by our Pastor during a summer service, the things
we love are not bad, but sometimes we need to place those things to the side and focus
on what God is calling us to do. So I guess that is what is in front of me right now,
Homeschooling, and writing!! And if creating happens in between then that is great
and if not, no big deal.
So there you have it! I hope that you plan to stick around and if not that is okay too. I
pray that you will be blessed with the inspiration of others and also that your New Year
is off to a great start with loads of focus and goals that are being met.
Okay I am off to take down my Christmas Tree. Lol.
Dana ..... Just wanted to share this word of encouragement below.
The New Year comes and we have high hopes. Yet soon after the ball drops our expectations can too.
Reality hits and our good intentions can be
dashed with one question:
What do I do next? We look around and the possibilities can be overwhelming. So we freeze. Then life gets busy and
before we know it the pages of the calendar have turned.
But it can be different for you. What do you do? The next
thing. Solomon, that wise king, said this: "Whatever your
hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Eccl. 9:10.
Here's what I think is the smartest part: If it's something
your hands find to do it means it's right in front of you.
What's right in front of you today? That's where you start.
Stretch out your hands, open your heart and do one little
thing. Just the next thing. You've got five minutes. Ready set go...
- Devotional encouragement by Holley Gerth
For more words of hope and encouragement from Holley, visit
devotional emails.