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April 22, 2011

Come Awake!

Hi Everyone:
I trust that this "Good Friday" is one that is holding some meaning and fun times with family and friends. Today was an opportunity for my family and I to take part in a Good Friday service at one of our local churches. It was such a beautiful service with many people. The amazing thing is that regardless of the denomination one belonged to or what church you attended, we were all there as one body of believers, unified and worshipping the One True God. The God who loved us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son do die for us. Seeing and spending time with friends whom we have not seen for a while was certainly a treat. It has been a special day indeed.

I don't normal share much on this blog about my faith or about the need for it in my own life. Though this is a blog that shares mostly crafting projects, there are times that I really like to share my heart, my thoughts and ponderings. It is not my hope to offend anyone, but my heart is heavy for many of those who feel confused, lost, depressed, and burdened with the troubles of today. So many of us face really difficult times and in those times we don't know where to turn or what to do. We search for peace and find none! With times leaving many without jobs, and the cost of living rising, many of us wonder how we can face the next day. Others battle with cancer and other life threatening diseases that leave them walking into unknown territory. Territory that requires a measure of strength that most of us can't provide on our own. Those that do must surely have a faith like no other to get them through. Those are real true Heroes!  Dealing with medical issues these past two years has lift me vulnerable and at times without peace. It is in these times that my faith has pulled me through. Helped me to hold up my head when I was to tired, to depressed, to do it myself. God's word tells us that, "His peace which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!" Philippians 4:7  It is this peace that I pray for everyday! The peace that tells me that even when things don't work out, that God is working things out for my good! Most importantly, that He hasn't forgotten me and that the times that I felt like He was no where to be found, it was then that He was carrying me! Thank you Lord! I have some friends out there in the blogging world going through some pretty tough times right now! I just want you to know from one blogger to the other, that I love you and I am praying for you. That in the mist of your situation that Christ will provide you with all that you need to get through these dark days.

I want to share this very timely video! One that claims the victory of the Cross and the power behind it! May you be encouraged today to know that there is a God who loves you very much and that no matter what you have done, or where you have been, or the pain that you carry, He Is Here For You! Just ask Him to come, and He will meet you where you are!!! May this be the Easter that will see you awaken with a new resolve, new outlook and renewed peace for this journey called Life!

* Please turn up the volume to hear this great song! Hope it blesses you like it did me!

Thank you for dropping by! I hope that you will come back and visit again soon. Tomorrow is another day filled with some more cards to share. And yes, I haven't forgotten my promised video and the drawing for my Blog Candy! There is still time to play if you like!  May God richly bless you in all that your hand finds to do!

Love & Prayers


Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Dana.
This is a lovely post.
I have just spent a wonderful afternoon with my family. Easter for me is about what you cherish the most in your life, and this would be my girls,
I just find completeness when I am with them, and now that I have a little grand daughter it is very special indeed.
I count my blessings everyday that I am able to be in their lives.

susanne said...

Beautifully said Dana! A lovely post, I'm so glad I dropped by! Bless you.

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All the contents of this blog including but not limited to designs, concepts, and photographs are COPYRIGHT 2009-2014 Dana Colbourne. I have put a lot of work in these creations and would appreciate that you use them for inspiration and enjoyment. They are for personal use only and they are not to be copied or used for publications or contest. Thanks for stopping by and supporting me on this fun journey!